Monster of the Day #3243

Oops, woke up late and have to go. I did finish Godzilla Singular Point yesterday. I still really liked it, but I can see why some others were not as satisfied. Hopefully they get a second season and can please everyone. Anyway, more on that tomorrow. Have a great day, everyone.

  • Eric Hinkle

    That’s an impressive-looking whatever it is. I get the idea it’d go great boiled and with some melted butter.

  • Gamera977

    Very cool looking! I’ve really like the art style of the series from the photos you’ve been posting.

  • Ken_Begg

    The animation is really quite good, especially since a lot of Netflix’s anime looks like crap (like the atrocious Record of Ragnarok, which also just came out.) In what basically a horrible sweatshop industry already, Netflix apparently wants to pay only the very bottom dollar for a lot of their commissioned anime. I think this will backfire, because they are getting kind of a bad reputation among anime fans, so already don’t like having to wait for the entire show to finish before watching it, rather than seeing the weekly chapters.

    The mix of 2D (the characters) and 3D (the monsters, buildings, vehicles, etc.) isn’t flawless, but it’s generally quite well done. More thoughts on the show coming, but having finished it you can keep me in the I Liked It camp.

  • Gamera977

    I’m assuming it’s a complete different setting than the G Force of the Heisei and Millennial Japanese series or the Monarch of the current Hollywood series?

  • Yes it is. It gives the monsters a new origin and everything. Not a bad series. Much better than the anime movies. Much Much MUCH better.

  • Ken_Begg

    Well, that’s a VERY low bar. And if we here know anything, it’s low bars.