Monster of the Day #3241

I watched a couple of more episodes of Godzilla Singular Point last night. I think I’ve seen it through episode 10 and it’s really ramping up. Great stuff.

  • Poor Anguirus. He never does catch a break, does he?

  • Gamera977

    Still it’s good to see him. And is that a small maser cannon? Looks like a cable on it so I guess it’s a harpoon gun.

  • Ken_Begg

    Yes, the show has sci-fi-ish stuff like advanced AIs, but most of the tech if fairly realistic. I really like the fact that Jet Jaguar is a big clunky robot. True to form, I liked him better when he became a self-functioning robot rather than a mech suit. Anguirus gets a goodly amount of screen time, and audience sympathy really sides with him.