Monster of the Day #3240

So I finally noticed that the new Netflix anime Godzilla Singular Point (wasn’t it Godzilla Singularity at first?) has dropped sometime last week. Netflix, this is the ONE show you don’t email me about? Work on your algorithm.

To my vast relief, I really like it. The three anime Godzilla movies Netflix produced a year or two ago were dreadful, banal edgelord stuff, all doom and gloom and ‘reinterpreting’ Godzilla and the other monsters in new and uninteresting ways.

This, however, is a pretty great anime that has the bonus of having the Toho monsters in it. I watched the first six episodes yesterday, and Godzilla has barely made an appearance, but lots of the rest of the roster has–especially Rodan(s)–so it’s all good. Don’t let Netflix skip the end credit song/sequence, which is full of monster-y goodness and Easter eggs, more than they possibly fit into the actual series, I’m thinking.

The characters are great and carry the show even when the monsters aren’t on screen. The writing is more than solid, with a genuine sense of mystery and build up, and ‘smart’ genius characters who actually are believable as smart genius characters, and even a comical AI who is actually kind of funny. Good stuff, I can’t wait to see the rest of it. Let’s hope for a second season.

  • KeithB

    They certainly love their teeth, don’t they!

  • Imagine the dentist bills…..

  • KeithB

    Imagine the flossing!

  • Gamera977

    ‘The better to eat you with!’

  • Gamera977

    I guess I need to give this a shot too. I still haven’t reactivated my Netflix account and watched ‘Girls und Panzer’ yet. I’m been trying to finish up some PC games. GoG had another big sale and I bought five more to add to the hundred or so games already on my queue. I’m beginning to think I need an intervention… (sheeesh)…

  • Ken_Begg

    Hey, if you ever watch the GuP anime series (and the various spin-offs, although only the movie is very readily available via Netflix), you can also play the video games for that!

  • Gamera977

    Somehow I’m not surprised there’s a game!!!

    There are a bunch of model kits reissued with decals for the ‘GuP’ tanks.

  • While I liked the series and will be super upset if there’s not a second series (the after credits sequence in the last episode suggest one) I can help but feel a little disappointed. This isn’t what I want from a Godzilla anime. I want more (and longer) monster fights, and less of the confusing crap they shoveled here.

    Good series. Worth the wait. Want more. But…

  • An intervention would be nice, yes. My Steam list is… sizable.

  • Ken_Begg

    Several games, I think. It’s a whole multimedia franchise. Light novels, manga, anime, games…. Ah, good capitalism.

  • Gamera977

    Yeah, I’ve got a pile of stuff on Steam too. (sigh)

  • Ken_Begg

    So much media, so little time.

  • Rodford Smith

    “Well her name was Rodan, and she lived in a harbor off Japan-an-an…”