Monster of the Day #3236

The writers of the original Predators script are suing to reclaim the rights to the franchise–there’s some sort of time limit thing, the writer of the original Friday the 13th script has been suing for the rights for years now–although they will inevitably be crushed or bought off by Disney.

Predator 5 will feature a native (and teeny tiny) female protagonist who fights not only a Prediator but “against the gender norms and traditions of her tribe.” Of course she will. It will apparently go straight to Hulu.

Anyway, when the original started production, it was a pre-stardom Jean Claude Van Damme in the suit, and it looked like the above. Nobody liked it, least of an Van Damme, and star Arnold Schwartzenegger suggested bringing in Stan Winston from The Terminator and the rest is history.

  • Gamera977

    Yeah, I can’t imagine the movie would have been anywhere near as big a hit with the original Predator design. It’s more alien but it lacks that ommppphhh that the Winston design had.

    I always thought of it as ‘The Most Dangerous Game’ with an alien. But The Critical Drinker’s remarks of it being a slasher film were interesting. I mean who’d be the best prepared against a serial killer? A team of heavily armed veteran mercenaries right? And yet the Predator still knocks them off.

    I’ve heard nothing but bad about the last movie so I’m not expecting much of this one either. The only good ones IMHO were the first two and the first ‘Alien vs. Predator’.

  • Of course it will be a young woman fighting “against the gender norms and traditions of her tribe” as the primary conflict. Can’t possibly have a young woman fighting the Predator simply because all the adults are too scared to face it, or the Predator has “Rules of Engagement” that forbid it from attacking juveniles without exceptional provocation…..

  • Beckoning Chasm

    It could be thought of as “The Lost Patrol,” or the Walter Hill remake “Southern Comfort.” And definitely avoid the second “Alien vs Predator.”

  • kgb_san_diego

    Much the same plot setup as Aliens, honestly.

  • kgb_san_diego

    There is no AvP sequel — you must have dreamed it. Surely, no such abomination has been made…

  • I most definitely think the original Predator is a Slasher flick, if for no other reason than because it makes Arnold Schwartzenegger a “Final Girl”, a concept that tickles me to death.

    Also a sort of Slasher flick? The original Alien.

  • Oh, darn, and here I don’t have Hulu and can’t possibly inflict the flick upon my person. Darn. How will I live? What will I do with myself?

  • Ken_Begg

    Hard cut to Cullen grabbing up a telephone receiver. “Get me Hulu,” he snarls, “Stat!”

  • Eric Hinkle

    I mean who’d be the best prepared against a serial killer? A team of
    heavily armed veteran mercenaries right? And yet the Predator still
    knocks them off.

    Which made it all the scarier. Seeing competent, intelligent, ready for trouble people getting killed with contemptuous ease by some thing is a lot more frightening than watching idiots be wiped out wholesale.

  • Gamera977

    Have they ever had a female Predator in a movie? I don’t recall one. Seems it would be a natural progression with how things are going.

  • Gamera977

    I’m not sure, I thought there was but I kept falling asleep during it.

  • Gamera977

    Ya know they had to change the star too. The original ‘Predator’ starred Chuck Norris. When he killed the Predator in the first thirty seconds of the movie and saved his entire team the studio started getting antsy. When he conquered the Predator homeworld at the ten minute mark it was decided to bring in Schwarzenegger to ‘tone the movie down’.

    Sorry, couldn’t help myself….

  • Maybe all the Predators we’ve seen are females. How would we know?

  • I find it taking 30 seconds for Morris to kill the Predator highly unlikely. Unless he was playing with the monster, then never mind.

  • Beckoning Chasm

    I think there actually wasn’t. I turned off every light in the house and closed the curtains tight, but I still couldn’t see a damned thing. And I hear there were a lot of damned things.