Monster of the Day #3231

If you’re looking for a Shaw Brother’s double feature for yesterday’s Oily Maniac, well, it’s not on Amazon Prime for free like that one, but you can rent Mighty Peking Man for $3. It’s certainly got $3 worth of crazy.

  • Gamera977

    The scene of the guy in the ape suit pulling against the Tonka trucks is priceless. Maybe not quite as insane as A*P*E flipping off the ROK and US Army but it’s close.

  • Gamera977

    Speaking of kaiju size monsters like giant apes is there an extension of ‘Ken’s Rule of Guns’ that if you’re fighting a kaiju size monster with a jet fighter armed with ranged weapons like guns and missiles you must fly close enough to the monster that it can smack you out of the air with it’s paw?

  • Ken_Begg

    Well, you can’t hit something as small as Godzilla if you don’t get within 50 feet of him.