
Nice little video of an EW interview with Bruce Campbell.

Aside from his body of work, one thing that really comes through here is the realization that while nearly all actors are idiots, and worse, pompous idiots, Campbell actually seems as smart and laid back and funny and just sheerly likable as you’d hope he is. I can’t think of any actor I’d more like to hang out with for a night, or be able to just gab with for a few hours.

Campbell’s TV show Burn Notice, as previously noted, kicks off its second season on USA tomorrow.

Meanwhile, if you’ve never seen The Adventures of Brisco County Jr., beg, borrow or steal yourself the DVD collection. It was a marvelous program. (It would also make a good double bill with Richard Dean Anderson’s Legend, which costarred Q.) Of the various, generally very good TV shows Campbell has been involved with, this is probably the best, and certainly the most Bruceriffic. Sadly, the collection costs an arm and a leg, but occasionally Amazon or somebody puts it on a good sale, which is when I got my set. Or put that on your list for the next time Deepdiscountdvd has one of their 20% off sales. And there’s always Netflix or your local library, who can probably interlibrary loan it for you.

  • roger h

    Thanks for interview link, my wife will be happy.

    Your blog post needs a re-write, I pretty sure mean to be recommending Brisco County Jr. (based on Amazon link and referring to Legend) but, it reads like you are suggesting Burn Notice.

    I bought a set of Brisco from DeepDiscount for my wife for Valentine’s day based on one of your tips. Thanks Mr. Cupid!

  • A rewrite? Why, I never! (Thanks.) I do suggest Burn Notice too, actually, but not as much as Brisco County.

    I hope and trust your wife enjoyed the show. It’s great stuff.

  • Hasimir Fenring

    I drove from South Carolina to Knoxville, Tennessee to meet Bruce Campbell at a book signing he was doing to promote his first book, subtitled Confessions of a B Movie Actor (a great read, if anyone out there is silly enough to have not read it). It was only the second time in my life I’ve been struck dumb and unable to say anything coherent. When I blurted out something dumb like ‘IdroveherefromSouthCarolinaandIgotoUSC notheotherone’, he smiled with patient indulgence and pretended I didn’t sound like a complete idiot. He really knows how to work a crowd of fans. He signed all the books and then signed any Evil Dead stuff people had brought with them (and I had an 8×10 glossy of the ‘boomstick’ scene, oh my brothers). He was probably there from 7.00pm to 3.00am or later.

    The 14-hour round trip drive was totally worth it.