Worst blurb ever…

I was pulling DVDs for a library display, and grabbing some of those wonderful Jeremy Brett Sherlock Holmes episodes, I saw that the DVDs boasted of the series, “Winner of a 1998 Swedish Academy of Detection Award.”

Seems to me, if you can’t even say that you’re “Winner of THE 1998 Swedish Academy of Detection Award…”

  • Food

    That’s a shame. I love the Jeremy Brett Holmes shows. It deserves a better blurb than that.

  • sandra

    THAT was the best thing they could come up with? unbelievable! It would have killed them to say something like this: “Jeremy Brett stars as what many consider the definitive Sherlock Holmes in this series based on Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s stories of the Great Detective” ? Personally, I think Basil Rathbone was THE Sherlock Holmes, at least in the first two movies, HOUND OF THE BASKERVILLES and ADVENTURES OF SHERLOCK HOLMES, but the blurb writer’s job is the say nice things about the product, not compare it to other versions of the character.

  • fish eye no miko

    Hell, how about, “Jeremy Brett, one of the stars of the Oscar Winning My Fair Lady is Sherlock Holmes in…”

  • John Nowak

    And I’ve got to say that there’s nothing about the name “Swedish Academy of Detection” which makes me think that gettin an award from them is somehow “good.”

  • John Nowak

    Sorry, hit post prematurely.

    For all I know, the “Swedish Academy of Detection” gives “awards” to any non-Swedish video production which reflects favorably on Sweden. Or maybe it just means, “Better than any Pippi Longstocking film ever made.”

    Not that I have any particular grudge against Sweden, but such an award would not make me enthusiastic about seeing its recipients.