Monster of the Day #3091

Hmm, reminds me of something….

Appearing on Amazon Prime under the title Reigo King of the Sea Monsters (!!!–uh, Godzilla is a sea monster, moron), the film isn’t great, but hey we’re all completists and if you have Amazon Prime it’s sitting right there, so there you go.

  • Gamera977

    Is that the same film with Reigo vs. IJN Yamato in it? I remember Reigo as being more a traditional sea serpent and not coming out on land.

  • The Rev.

    This monster is Raiga, from the movie that came after Reigo’s. Reigo does appear to be shaped more like a pliosaur, with fins and all. (I haven’t seen either, although I guess I can remedy that now, at least partially.)

  • I really, really wanted this movie to be better than it is. A lot better. A lot, lot LOT better. But it’s a mess. I can’t say I didn’t enjoy it, but I can’t say I’ll ever watch it again.

    And…. I own it on DVD. Instead of seeing it for free. So I have that going for me.

    (Oh, for what it’s worth? It’s a better use of your time than any of the Godzilla anime movies. At least I haven’t bought those…)

  • Gamera977

    Thanks guys! I’ll still have to check it out.

  • Ken_Begg

    Ooops! Thanks, Rev!

  • The Rev.

    No problem, bud.

  • The Rev.

    Same here. ’cause it’s a giant monster movie. And I’m the guy who owns things like Zarkorr the Invader! and Yongary and Yonggary. So…yeah. What can I do?