Monster of the Day #3079

Yesterday I suggested giving The Bees a watch. I thought another killer animal film would be good for a weekend double bill. So how about Beaks, with Christopher Atkins working that Blue Lagoon heat. You can find it on YouTube by searching under Beaks 1987. I tried to think of a pithy way to link Bees and Beaks as a pair, but I couldn’t think of one. Bees and birds don’t exactly go together, I guess.

  • Now this one I’ve never heard of. Presumably it takes everything The Birds got right and screws it up?

  • Beckoning Chasm

    “My house all torn up. Will history blame me, or the beaks?”

  • Rock Baker

    I’d not heard of it either, but it might get few things right THE BIRDS didn’t. I imagine it might be shorter and hit the marks faster. THE BIRDS has a really strong second half, but let’s face it, getting there can be a chore.

  • The Rev.

    I remember a blurb about it in a video guide I had as a lad. I didn’t think about it again until RLM had it on one of their “Best of the Worst” episodes. I’m a bit leery because the director has shown absolutely no issue with murdering the hell out of every animal he can in his movies. That being said, while there were obviously a lot of birds tied to things and people and being tossed at actors, the RLM guys didn’t mention any birds being outright killed, so maybe I’ll give it a look someday.

  • zombiewhacker

    I don’t think I’ve ever watchedThe Birds beginning to end. Usually I only tune into it halfway through, just like you said.

  • Eric Hinkle

    The picture above may terrify some, but to a man who just saw some artist’s rendition of Wonder Woman as a bosomy Gungan it ain’t nothin. “Meesa love Kal-el long time!” shudder

  • Wade Harrell

    I haven’t seen it, but I’m guessing it must be a Jaws rip off too, following in the tradition of naming the movie after the killer animal’s main weapons…Jaws…Claws…Tentacles…and now prepare for the horror of…BEAKS!