Monster of the Day #3075

OK, this one is on both Amazon Prime and Hulu, so hopefully many of you could watch it. SYFY (ugh) managed to largely kill my lifelong love of killer animal movies, and many of the theatricals that they poor out–wow, they make a lot of shark movies–aren’t really that much better. Well, OK, they are, but that doesn’t mean much. And I have to admit, I haven’t watched Crawl, which came and went (I think) from theaters last year. But I saw the first 15 minutes and liked what I saw. The movie immediately gets into it. We meet a young woman at a swim meet (quickly establishing her water credentials), and within five minutes we learn there is a major hurricane approaching the area and that her sister hasn’t heard from their estranged father. The heroine defies logic and goes to look for him, and presumably shortly after that runs into the killer gators. It can’t be too much longer later, because the movie runs a lean minus-90 minutes. I always hated how the SyFy formula always included a time-wasting human villain, because actors were cheaper than even dubious CGI. However, I do like when the environment itself is a danger, as in Descent. Anyway, give it a look.

  • Beckoning Chasm

    Is that a big wave behind the monster? Because that seems to indicate there are more problems than gators.

  • Gamera977

    Hmm, looks cool!

    BTW I need a break anyway. I picked up the complete set of ‘Dirty’ Harry movies and have been watching them every night in sequence. It’s gotten to the point I had a dream of a cross-over movie where ‘Dirty’ Harry Callahan replaces Sheriff Brody in ‘Jaws’.

  • That alligator isn’t attacking. He’s singing. Ava Maria, to be precise. A favorite among ‘gators and giant rodents.

    Don’t ask me how I know this.

  • I’m amazed at how watertight that window is.

  • Eric Hinkle

    I can see Harry pulling a harpoon gun on Bruce and asking him, “Ya feel lucky, punk?”

  • Eric Hinkle

    Say, Ken, if you have the time, as a former fan of killer animal movies, what do you think of ‘Grizzly’ and ‘Day of the Animals’?

  • Gamera977

    It’s not watertight for very long though…

  • Gamera977

    I watched it last night… and I liked it.

    Our heroine, Haley was smart, tough, and resourceful. But not one of these insanely overpowered perfect super women you see in too many modern movies. And it’s good to see Barry ‘Johnnie Goodboy Tyler’ Pepper back in a movie that doesn’t suck.

    The movie was made in Serbia, which the majority of cast having Eastern European names in the credits kinda tipped me off. And the lead actress is British, but does an excellent American accent. I was a bit surprised to find this all out, I’ve only been to Florida a few times but it had me fooled. A very good recreation!

    Only real complaint is the Haley had a serious case of Heroine’s Death Exemption. She gets grabbed several times by gators in situations that rip other cast members arms and legs off and comes away with only flesh wounds. But still all in all it’s a damned fine movie and well worth the time to watch!