Monster of the Day #3045

Sandy Petersen, when he’s bored beyond endurance (better than Holmes’ cocaine, I suppose), will occasionally call me and we’ll telewatch a dumb movie on Youtube or Amazon Prime. Last week we watched (not too diligently, as we were yakking the whole time) the obscure Space Probe Taurus, a film I only vaguely remembered having seen maybe once as a tot. It’s not the most dynamic piece, and by 1965 the main astronaut character’s rampant sexism to the mission’s female doctor must have seemed a bit much. Of course, he’s only hiding his romantic interest in her blah blah. The Gabby Hays guy above pops up for about a minute, and there are some adorable crabs macrophotographed to threaten their model space rocket. Unfortunately, they electrocute the crabs a couple of times to simulate them being frustrated by the ship’s force field, which didn’t really endear the film to me. I hope they at least ate them afterwards. Anyway, it’s on YouTube.

  • Beckoning Chasm

    AKA “Space Monster.”

  • Gamera977


  • Ericb

    Hah! I was just about to mention the Ferengi. I’d hazard to guess that this fellow was a big influence on their look.

  • Rock Baker

    The monster here was originally built by Don Post for a stage show before being used in THE WIZARD OF MARS. By the time it turned up in SPACE PROBE TAURUS the clear dome covering it’s exposed brain had been removed.

  • Eric Hinkle

    Glad you got to chat with Sandy Peterson, Ken. Say, how is he doing these days?

  • The Rev.

    I hope I’m not stepping on any toes, but since I also spoke with him recently, I can chime in. We had a Zoom gaming session on Saturday to playtest his latest idea (which I probably shouldn’t elaborate on since it’s VERY early stage) and he seems his usual cheerful self. His latest Kickstarter for Dinosaur 1944 is gearing up to go live, as well. He and Ken are hoping to have a two-day T-Fest later this year to make up for Tween-Fest being canceled. And that’s about it.

  • Eric Hinkle

    Thanks. If you ever get a chance, please tell Mr. Peterson that I fr one truly enjoyed his big Cthulhu Mythos PDF for Pathfinder.

  • The Rev.

    Well, there’s a good chance we’re doing it again tomorrow, so will do!

  • Eric Hinkle

    Thank you!