No big surprise here, although it’s sad news (admittedly, in a small beer sort of way considering the larger picture) considering we haven’t skipped a fest since we started doing this going on 20 years now.
While sitting on my ass all day alone and watching anime is no hardship to me–indeed, it’s largely my life–for people who are more social I’m sure this thing is dreadful just for curtailing their interactions with people. Sandy Petersen is the most social guy I know–which is why we have the Fests in the first place, and unsurprisingly he’s still up for visitors. Quoth the Maven, “anyone who is free of the ‘Rona and wants to visit me that weekend or any other weekend is welcomed. I have spent basically four solid weeks indoors so am pretty sure I’m untainted.”
We’re (and by we I mean Sandy, since again it’s really his show) considering running a two day event in the fall. Probably Friday and Saturday. We’ll keep people apprised. Everyone please keep safe and I hope to see you all in the fall. Hell, with air fares probably super cheap later on, maybe we can get a few of you who have never been able to attend.
Again, keep well.