Monster of the Day #3012

Have I been hitting the Cult Cinema Classics channel on YouTube a bit hard lately? It’s hard to get away from, since they are adding new monster movies (along with many other genres) so fast I can barely get to their backlog. I mean, later today they’re adding The Giant Claw, the first movie I ever reviewed. So, I mean, c’mon. Anyway, definitely something to add to your weekend watch list.

(Looks like even the Giant Craw…sorry, Giant Claw…has been hit by a stay at home order.)

  • Beckoning Chasm

    Sounds as if this YouTube channel is huge…as big as a battleship.

  • Eric Hinkle

    I like them too. I wonder how long before they get shut down over copyright issues?

  • As bad as this guy is, he sure does beat the sabretooth in The Neanderthal Man in terms of (admittedly goofy) quality.

  • Gamera977

    I’d make some rude joke about the Virginia Tech Hokies’ mascot but only suspect only Galaxy Jane would get it…

  • He does look like a Hokie Bird, doesn’t he?

  • Ken_Begg

    Yeah, I wonder about stuff like that. However, they’ve been around at least over a year. It seems unlikely, but maybe they have a licensing deal with somebody?