Monster of the Day #3006

Screaming Skull is a prime example of what cheapie monster movies were like back in the day. Budgetary reasons often only had the monster fully revealed in the last five or ten minutes (made more bearable by the films themselves often only lasting 60 or 65 minutes), so that big reveal often made or broke the film. Screaming Skull can be a slog at times, but the ending is pretty great. Available on the Cult Cinema Classics channel on YouTube.

  • Gamera977

    Worst prequel ever: ‘The One Skull of Jonathan Drake’.

  • Ericb

    It’s like a forth rate ‘Rebecca’ … but with a plastic skull!!!!

  • Gamera977

    I’ve got ‘The Screaming Skull’ on DVD in a movie collection but I didn’t even remember the plot until I looked it up. Not a bad film, not great but not bad at all.

  • Ericb

    I liked it when I was a kid. I’ve only seen it as an adult in the MST3K version which is a hoot but leaves me with the impression that it would be a bit a slog without the wisecracking robot puppets.

  • I always thought it was kinda fun. But my judgement is waaayy suspect.

  • zombiewhacker

    “…so that big reveal often made or broke the film.”

    In other words, The Maze was really, really broken.

  • Ken_Begg

    Yes, it is awesome. You should be their press agent.

  • Ken_Begg

    Also, pacing is so jacked up now that you have to be pretty old to remember films that moved at that pace. Even so, as usual, the 68 minute run time is what makes it bearable.

  • Ericb

    Poor Uncle Gribbit.