Monster of the Day #2027

Whew, no more traveling for me for a while, thank goodness. I can use some down time.

Man, these covers really tell a story, don’t they?

I’m trying to see if I have the energy to see Princess Mononoke tonight, since it’s the one night its playing. Surely a masterpiece but I really do like the slice of life stuff better. And it’s three hours. Still, I guess it doesn’t do to let the opportunity slip. Hopefully I can rouse myself.

  • Eric Hinkle

    Maybe it’s just my computer, but I only see a link to the art above, and not the art itself.

    Oh, and if it matters to anyone ‘Enchantress of Venus’, together with the other two of Leigh Brackett’s Stark novellas, was reprinted last year or so in illustrated editions. True, the illos are generic manga to ‘bring the kids in’ – they have a lot of people out there who can do pulp-style art, why not use them — but this printing follows the original versions of the stories as done in the magazines.

  • Gamera977

    ‘She was hate and she was horror- and the Earthman had a date with her beside the brimstone sea… Enchantress of Venus’

    So the Enchantress of Venus is the Earthman’s ex-wife?

    I’m getting a link instead of the picture too but if I click the link it takes me to the photo.

  • Rodford Smith

    I see that two-headed mini-dragon, and for some reason keep hearing the Warner Brothers cartoon parody of Lon Chaney, JR. as Lenny: Which way did he go, George?