Monster of the Day #1996

1996 was actually a pretty good year for horror movies, especially by big time directors. The most iconic horror film that year was Wes Craven’s Scream (a franchise still being pimped, of course), but Ghostface isn’t really a monster per se. There was also From Dusk to Dawn, written by and co-starring Tarantino. The Craft was an OK teenie witch movie, there was the train wreck Island of Dr. Moreau.The Italian import Cemetery Man.

I’m going to go with Peter Jackson’s flawed but entertaining The Frighteners. It was basically Natural Born Killers with a supernatural twist. Michael J. Fox is a good lead, and Jeffrey Combs is hilarious in a more realistically insane Fox Muldar type. The recently deceased R Lee Ermey is also a fun presence.

  • Beckoning Chasm

    Yeah, this was a fun one.

  • Gamera977

    Jeffery Combs and I haven’t seen this?!? Okay, gotta find a copy now!

  • Wade Harrell

    I always thought this was an underappreciated movie! I wish Jackson would make stuff like this again. Wasn’t this his Hollywood debut?

  • The Rev.

    Yeah, I really need to see this.

  • Eric Hinkle

    Ermey and Fox were in it? I gotta see this one.

  • Kirk

    The Craft had a good soundtrack, better than it deserved.