Monster of the Day #1982

Just to illustrate (so to speak) how accurately yesterday’s poster represented its subject, here’s the actual monster. Take that, Tartu!

  • Gamera977

    Another case of I’m not sure anything would have lived up to that poster.

  • Beckoning Chasm

    “What? No, I’m not wearing a mask! Why would you say that? What do you mean, ‘obvious’?”

  • Gamera977

    DC’s attempt to diversify into beauty products like the ‘Apache Chief Facial Mud Pack’ were an understandable failure.

  • Mike Weller

    Death Curse of Tartu……(Get the Tattoo/Fantasy Island joke out of your system, I’ll wait…)
    A film with lots of rowing through gator infested waters…Dave Van Ronk’s song ‘Romping through the swamp’ fit right in there.
    How many Dr. Demento songs would you insert in a b-flick in a long silent patch , there by doing it ‘Cleveland style?’ Hey, it worked for Ghoulardi!

  • Eric Hinkle

    I waited years for a chance to see ‘Death Curse of Tartu’. I mean, a movie some people keep discussing must have some entertaining moments, right?

    Today I saw it. I am now trying to figure out how I can unsee it.

  • Ken_Begg

    Give it another ten minutes, and it will be like you’ve never seen it.