Monster of the Day #1976

Still stuff from Winterbeast. You’d really think from all these stills that the film would be better.

  • Gamera977

    ‘Stretch’ Armstrong sold better than the knock-off ‘Salami Arms’ Stan.

  • Eric Hinkle

    OT but you may want to go to YouTube and hunt down ‘Empire of the Robot Monsters’ by Bluworm. It perfectly catches the feel of the old movie while being genuinely fun and utterly hilarious. And you’ll catch a cameo by another old friend of Jabootu, too!

  • Ericb

    or maybe ‘From Beyond G.I. Joe” with squid tight grip!

  • Marsden

    I remember abusing my green army men, you could do a lot of creative things with them! I made wounded men with matches and red paint, or just left some of them scorched.

    I also painted a lot of their faces so they weren’t green anymore, and I had a few guys with white helmets for medics.

  • Gamera977

    Watched this last night. It’s less than five mins. long. I was really impressed by the quality of the animation. Lots of Lovecraft stuff on the guy’s channel which I’ll be watching when I get time.


  • Eric Hinkle

    Glad someone liked it. If they ever re-release ROBOT MONSTER I hope they use his footage as a ‘prelude’ to the film proper.

    I’m also stunned to learn that according to the IMDB ROBOT MONSTER has grossed over $1 million bucks!

  • Yup, it is generally considered to be the most profitable movie ever made in terms of percentage ROI.

  • Mike Weller

    They know their low budget fun.

  • Eric Hinkle

    It almost has to be. What did it cost to make? Virtually any tickets sold would turn a profit.

  • Rodford Smith

    Scene from Meltman: The Movie!.

    (Any fellow Action League Now! fen out there?_

  • The Rev.

    Well, he does have the power to melt…

    I haven’t thought of that in so long…I remember enjoying it, though.