Laziest post ever…

Crap. Came into work and found heaps of stuff. So let’s get in a very quick post before punching in:

Five Favorite Cartoon Network Shows

(I don’t watch a lot of TV anymore–aside from Cubs games this time of year–but as a middle-aged man I of course spend much of my viewing time at the Cartoon Network.)

5: Frisky Dingo
4: Metalocalypse
3: Robot Chicken
2: Naruto
1: The Venture Brothers

I should note that Venture Brothers might, in terms of pure joy delivered, be my favorite show on the air right now. (30 Rock made a serious bid for that title with last week’s episode, though.) Although on occasion it can be a tad crude for my tastes, otherwise it gives me the bizarre sensation that a team of guys somewhere is making a show purely for me myself to watch. Talk about niche demographics.

New episodes in June!!!!

  • The Rev. D.D.

    I’m surprised you like Metalocalypse. I don’t picture you as a metal fan, and you’re not super-big on the gore either. Is it the over-the-top nature of the whole thing that you enjoy, or the writing, or what? Just curious.

    Robot Chicken has its moments, and The Venture Bros. is pretty great, though I haven’t really gotten into Frisky Dingo.

  • sardu

    Robot Chicken was pretty brilliant in its first season. I’ve started watching again in the last couple weeks and it seems way more hit and miss now. I haven’t had time to try the other Adult Swim stuff but now I’ll have to check Venture Bros. out!

  • I think Metalocalypse’s secret for me is that it’s a fifteen minute show–problably more like twelve, minus credits & commercials. In short bursts I find the show pretty funny. I imagine if it ran a half hour it would be pretty dire. I will say that the central idea it posits, in which a metal band has become more or less the most important political/economic force in the world, is quite amusing in itself. Of the shows I list, though, it’s probably the one I would get the most burned out on the fastest.

  • I’ve long been baffled by the fact that I don’t like Robot Chicken. It’s like they designed the show by making a dozen clones of me and assembling them into a focus group, and yet it somehow doesn’t work for me.

    I love Metalocalypse- and I have to say, it’s much funnier if you’re a long-time metal fan. You’re probably right about it being better in fairly short doses, though. Actually, that might be the secret to a lot of the Cartoon Network comedies I like- individual episodes are too short for the (usually ludicrous) premise to get worn out.

  • PCachu

    Personally I’m in the “someone please set fire to Naruto” camp. I’m all about the Venture Brothers, though. That’s some truly spectacular parody/satire right there.

    Meanwhile, my feet tap impatiently waiting for Nickelodeon to get off their butts and start up the final stretch of Avatar: The Last Airbender

  • The Rev. D.D.

    I couldn’t get into Naruto, but I think I’m just burned out on anime series that are basically giant fight tournaments, with episodes between tournaments merely setting up said tournaments. Does that make sense at all?
    Stuff like DBZ, Yu-Yu Hakusho (although I kinda liked that one), Yu-Gi-Oh!, etc. That’s what I mean.

    I haven’t gotten into Avatar either, but I haven’t given that much of a chance. Maybe I should?…

  • Solid Jake

    You should definitely check out Avatar. It’s probably the best American cartoon since Batman: TAS.

    The first few episodes are kinda meh, but it picks up and just gets better and better the further it goes.