Monster of the Day #1890 Updated on March 4, 2019 By Ken Begg 10 Comments Or as they call it, Tuesday. Anyway, these are so good I’m going to run with them until they run out. Tweet Pin It Related PostsMonster of the Day #3688 (Mar 20, 2025) Not Monster of the Day #8 (Mar 18, 2025) Monster of the Day #3687 (Mar 12, 2025) Not Monster of the Day #5 (Mar 10, 2025) Not Monster of the Day #3 (Mar 6, 2025) By Ken Begg Beckoning Chasm They certainly seem to “fly past” a lot of stuff. BGBear_rnh fillyourhandsyousob Than damn Yankee Sherman. Gamera977 ‘Please help us!!!’ ‘Sorry, places to go, people to do!;’ Beckoning Chasm “I’ll march to the sea…and then bring it back with me!” Flangepart “People…learn to float!” Ken_Begg “KONA!! KOOOONAAA!!! UP HERE!! HEY!! HEY!! KONA!!! HAVE YOU SEEN OUR TOASTER DOWN THERE? KONA!!! KOONNNAAA!!!” BGBear_rnh fillyourhandsyousob WTH? The golden idol of Baal is floating. The damn thing is made of wood. When we get to dry land heads will roll!. Gamera977 ‘WHERE THE HELL IS AQUAMAN!!!!!!’ Eric Hinkle Who do you think caused it? “That’ll teach you to take down that Temple of Cthulhu!” Gamera977 Ah-hah! You exposed Aquaman’s sinister plan to sink his kingdom to collect on the insurance!!!