Monster of the Day #1887

The last film proved to be Army of Darkness. At first I thought that was a little on the nose (whatever happened to ending B-Fest with a Godzilla movie?), but a moment’s reflection led me to understand that it would be the perfect antidote to Lisztomania, as Raimi is the anti-Ken Russell. Raimi doesn’t have a pretentious bone in his body, and only wants to entertain folks. And he sure did that here.

  • Eric Hinkle

    Great shot of a skeleton crew on the job.

    And I’d take almost anything by Raimi over 99% of what Hollywood makes these days.

  • Gamera977

    Gee friggin’ whiz, Raimi is one of few people in Sillywood I have any respect for these days.

  • Gamera977

    Funny, I was thinking of ‘A Bucket of Blood’ with the passing of Dick Miller and how with a microscopic budget, B list actors, and homemade special effects it’s a thousand times better than the latest big budget remake by Sillywood. Same goes for the likes of ‘The Evil Dead.’

  • I think it’s a matter of everyone getting on board and buying into the premise with enthusiasm. No one’s in it just for a paycheck, and they all *care* about doing their best.

  • BGBear_rnh learntocode

    Working their fingers to the bone.

  • Beckoning Chasm

    Another film where the “director’s cut” is just not up to the same level as the standard one.

  • Ken_Begg

    Yes, I get that Raimi loves beating on Ash, but I much prefer the ‘happy’ ending this time around.

  • Flangepart

    Variety is the spice of un-life.
    “This…is my BOOM STICK!” has entered the language…what did Listomania ever contribute, besides unplanned bowel movements?

  • Eric Hinkle

    I second this. The fact that he seems like one of the few relatively big names in Hollywood not to have engaged in sexual misconduct with his female co-workers only improves my opinion of him.

    At least, I hope he didn’t. *Sigh*

  • Eric Hinkle

    I was amazed to realize how good that film was when I saw it.

    Heck, it even had some surprisingly clever social commentary which was kept brief. I refer to the part where Dick Miller’s character asks the local hippie leader about his sudden interest in money when he spent all his time telling everyone that money was a horribad middle class obsession.

    I think the answer was, “I do dislike it, when I don’t have it.”

    Really a much better film than I ever expected!

  • The Rev.

    I would have been okay with that original ending, but only if we had gotten a fourth movie that does finally end happily for him. Since we didn’t, I’m fine with what we got.

    Could be worse. In those “Marvel Zombies” comics, an alternate Earth Ash gets his brains eaten by a zombie Howard the Duck.

  • Beckoning Chasm

    Not to mention, “Good? Bad? I’m the guy with the gun,” which is replaced in the director’s cut with “I’m not that good.”