Monster of the Day #1882

Sorry for the break, we got hit with a lot of weather last week, including a snow storm (exacerbated by my car not starting and having to be towed to my mechanic) followed the now legendary polar vortex that saw actual temps here down to like 27 below. I had decamped to my friends’ house for a while lest I get caught with no power and no car at my place. All is well now, though, it is due to be 55 (!) degrees today before moderating back to (comparatively high) normal temps tomorrow.

Anyhoo, back at B-Fest after Plan 9 we got a not great surreal shot on slasher film made by a teenager, Truth & Dare a Critical Madness. Apparently there are three or four sequels to this. (??) Then we got Showgirls (ugh) and Street Fighter, which I largely slept through, and finally the film we sponsored ourselves, featured above. It’s pretty good. unlike the slew of modern stuff featured at the Fest this year, its short and it moves.

  • Beckoning Chasm

    Welcome back!

  • Oh yes. The Polar Vortex. Never thought I’d have to call sick into work due to Polar Vortex.

  • Gamera977

    Awesome Ken! It’s hard to find photos of Zaphod Beetlebrox before he got involved in politics!

    And welcome back!

  • Gamera977

    I was freezing my tail off last Monday in long johns and a thick jacket. Today I’m in short sleeves.

    Go figure….

  • BGBear_rnh

    A double feature.

  • Rock Baker

    I love this move. Long a favorite as it used to run in semi-regular rotation on TNT during my formative years. What moody photography!

  • thunderclancat

    Ah, Showgirls, or as I call it (inspired by Ken’s review of Girl in Gold Boots) Girl in Gold Boots without the charm. Sorry to hear about your car, and weather woes, Ken. Glad you’re back.

  • Rock Baker

    Off topic, but I screened DUNE for the first time the other night. Can anyone tell me what it was, exactly, that I saw?

    Also, Julie Adams has passed on. R.I.P.

  • Gamera977

    Well, it helps to have read the novel first. But then you’ll get annoyed about all the stuff they changed for the movie. Still I’d recommend the Frank Herbert novel in any case, I’m not as big a fan as some people aka I don’t think it’s the best SF novel ever, but it’s well worth reading. You can probably find a copy in the library or used book store if you don’t want to pay full price.

    RIP Julie Adams, sigh…

  • Eric Hinkle

    Ah, the Manster! I wanted to see it for years based on what the Medveds said about it. Finally got my chance a few months ago on Comet TV and it was considerably creepier than I’d been lead to believe. Especially the part that’s basically ‘Mister Hyde visits Tokyo’.

  • Ah, winter in Virginia. Is it going to be 73 or is it going to be 10? Will we have an ice storm that kills all power for a week? Or will the summer drought extend for 2 straight years?

    Who knows? Certainly not your friendly neighborhood meteorologist.

  • BGBear_rnh

    “Twin Dunes”