Depressing Topic of the Day

MST3K premiered in 1988, thirty years ago.

  • Rock Baker

    And what a double-edged sword that turned out to be. Serious genre fans remain split on the show, for obvious reasons. Many episodes I won’t even watch, but others are comic gold. The same issue arises with Rifftrax, obviously. Still, Mike, Kevin, and Bill provide a lot of entertainment at my house and I hope they continue their work for many a year to come.

  • While there are some episodes I’ve liked, for the most part I can’t honestly say I’m a fan. If I want to see the movie, I want to see the movie.

    Still, I was glad to hear it was coming back, and am glad it’s still going strong. Or strong ish.

  • Gamera977

    Oh gosh has it really been this long!?!?! I loved the show back in the day but after watching a few recently on YouTube I find myself less of a fan. I haven’t even looked at the new show.

    As CW said often I want to just watch the movie, I can come up with better quips myself.

    Still even today I quote the show way too often, ‘JUST BITE ME!!!’

  • Beckoning Chasm

    I came to MST late, and I used to be annoyed by the between-movie skits. But then I realized they were needed, so that you got to know the characters as characters, rather than just annoying people talking over a movie you’re trying to watch.

    This is why the Riftrax and Cinematic Titanic stuff doesn’t really work for me–here, they really are people taking during the movie.

  • So, does that mean we’re in the not-too-distant future?

  • Lévai József

    Here’s to 30 more years of movie-riffin’ MST3K goodness, ladyfreaks and gentlemutants, boils and gargoyles of all ages.