B-Fest is this weekend…

…so posting, blog entries and otherwise, will be erratic for maybe the next ten days or so.  Just a head’s up.

  • Charles Goodwin

    I am really disappointed to be missing the fest this weekend, but as usual my company has me “on call”… once again my life gets put on hold to keep the Midwest’s communications grid safe for democracy, or whatever.

    I hope those of you who can go have a great time, and please bring back full reports for us less fortunate!

  • Will there be a B-Fest diary this year?

  • The Rev. D.D.

    I hope you all have a wonderful time this weekend, and manage to keep yourselves warm. (As cold as it’s gotten here in Texas, I can only imagine what it’s like in the Windy City.)
    Hopefully we’ll get a diary on the event from someone.
    And hopefully next year I’ll manage to make it up and join the festivities.