Happy Holidays, everyone!

This interfaith message of peace, love, and most of all, warning, brought to you courtesy of the Chanukah Zombie, Evil Robot Santa Claus and Kwanzaa-bot.

  • I KNEW these guys existed! At least 2 of them used to live under my bed at night (the other was in the closet).

  • hentaiwolf

    Your mistletoe is no match for my TOW MISSILE.

  • fish eye no miko

    “Santa Claus is gunning you down!”

    Merry (what’s left of) Christmas!

  • If I ever write *one* gag as funny as that TOW missile line, I will die a happy man.

    I rather like the new Futurama movie (surprise), but I’ve listened to the Christmas song in it like 50 times.

  • Tork_110

    I was hesitant watching that movie after the 18th season of the Simpsons and the carbon neutral sticker on the DVD, but that melted away after the theme song started playing. They did a good job referencing a ton of stuff that happened in the series.

    I can’t wait to see some nerd try to make sense of the new continuity of the series.

  • Danny

    Got the movie for my brother for Christmas, watched it with him. I liked it! I was a little worried after the rather blatent/mean spirited attack on FOX, even if it was deserved (and sort of the joke), but it picked up pretty quickly, and I really enjoyed it.

    Both the songs were fantastic.

    Also, does anyone know if Fry did in fact set the freeze pod to 7.5 years after getting out way back in the first episode? I actually vaguely remember something like that, and it’d be kind of amazing.

  • It’s weird how they keep building off that first episode. I wonder how much of that was planned.

    The most eliptical gag this time was that the ‘alien’ force that destroyed Old New York in the first episode, seen for about one second out the window by the frozen Fry, was in fact a time-traveling Bender.

  • fish eye no miko

    Not all of us have seen the movie yet, so could you guys go easy on the spoilers?

  • Jimmy

    Was I the only person here kind of disappointed with the first of the Futurama DVD movies? It just seemed like the good jokes were too thin on the ground and their was too much self referential fannish humour at the expense of developing things properly.

  • Well, I didn’t feel it was a home run. More of a triple. They tried too hard, I thought, to cram in as many characters from the TV as possible. I didn’t really think the villain guys were funny (kind of a big flaw), and the transition from 22 minutes to movie length (especially since the movies are then designed to be broken up in four 22 minutes segments) obviously hobbled them a bit.

    Still, good stuff, and now that they’ve gotten some of their more egregious nerd impulses out of the way, hopefully the next three will be even better.

    Loved the Santa song, though.