Blog slog…

As you may have noticed (or not), when I write actual reviews, my already hit or miss blogging seems to suffer.  And vice versa.  Sometime I think I only have so much writing ‘juice’ in me, and that if I go in one direction I’ve none left for the other.

Obviously the focus will be on reviews.  In the past three weeks I’ve actually gotten a nugget and two reviews up, which is a decent amount of work.  That’s where my focus will stay.  I expect to get a Hitchhiker piece up next weekend, then a review the following weekend, then a travel week down to Kentucky for my birthday and Thanksgiving with the family, then some more nuggets/reviews in a string, I hope.

However, just to keep people dropping by, I’ll try to post at least a couple of blog items a day, at least during the week.  Maybe more but shorter items would work for me.  We’ll see how it goes.  If nothing else, it keeps discussions going.

Anyway, there we are. 

  • fish eye no miko

    That sounds cool. But to be honest, I’d rather read reviews, so if you have to forgo blog posts for reviews, I, for one, don’t mind.

    BTW, I really like your Hitchhiker reviews. ^_^

  • Yeah, obviously reviews are our meat and potatoes. On the other hand, Chris gave me this shiny new blog, so I may as well use it.

  • Altair IV

    The main thing to remember is to not let the blog take over your schedule. It’s your blog, you set the pace. Don’t feel like you have to find stuff to post just because the calendar page has turned. Your blog is a way for you to express yourself, so make every post count.

    Besides, many bloggers have irregular (that is, no) schedule for posting, and their visitors don’t disappear if a day or five goes by without anything. They just post whenever they feel they have something to say. Heck, I myself only have time to visit here about once a week anyway, and I rather prefer not having to wade through a bunch of meaningless back chatter every time while looking for the meat.