As you may have noticed (or not), when I write actual reviews, my already hit or miss blogging seems to suffer. And vice versa. Sometime I think I only have so much writing ‘juice’ in me, and that if I go in one direction I’ve none left for the other.
Obviously the focus will be on reviews. In the past three weeks I’ve actually gotten a nugget and two reviews up, which is a decent amount of work. That’s where my focus will stay. I expect to get a Hitchhiker piece up next weekend, then a review the following weekend, then a travel week down to Kentucky for my birthday and Thanksgiving with the family, then some more nuggets/reviews in a string, I hope.
However, just to keep people dropping by, I’ll try to post at least a couple of blog items a day, at least during the week. Maybe more but shorter items would work for me. We’ll see how it goes. If nothing else, it keeps discussions going.
Anyway, there we are.