The Mayan’s were close, but no cigar. 2012 won’t be the end of the world, but it will be the Year of the Geek.
Let’s see, there is The Avengers. Dark Knight 3. Godzilla. The Hobbit. And now the 23rd James Bond film is finally going into production and will be released in the Thanksgiving/Christmas period (as will The Hobbit). Let’s hope they learned their lessons from Quantum of Solitude, which was pretty much ruined by the use of the Shaky-Cam. I guess they went in that direction because nobody liked Casino Royale and complained about how stodgy it was, what with the whole “I can tell what’s going on” thing. Lame!
Not that there won’t be much real lameness: Another Spider-Man movie (meh), Underworld 4, Deadpool and Wolverine movies, a 3-D animated Popeye movie which will suffer mightily for lacking violence, the second Ghost Rider movie (which will be ‘improved’ by offering a pointlessly revised origin story), a 21 Jump Street movie (!!!), a sequel to Clash of the Titans, an animated Oz film with voice work by Dan Ackroyd and Jim Belushi, Men in Black III, that crazy sounding Battleship, based on the board game, another Superman movie (supposedly), Monsters Inc. 2, a fourth Bourne movie, and the second part of the fourth Twilight movie.
More promising are a sequel to Kung Fu Hustle (yes!), and John Carter of Mars, the first live-action movie from the Pixar people. And Star Trek 2 might well be pretty good.
Oh, and Keanu Reeves will be starring in a version of The 47 Ronin (!), which WILL Not be animated, but live-action, or as live action as a movie starring Keanu Reeves can be.