Big DVD announcements…

In addition to previously mentioned titles, MGM has announced a DVD of The Garbage Pail Kids Movie (!!), and a bunch of sexploitation titles that includes the infamous BOlero, both of them out in late July. Beware the power of Jabootu.

Trinity Home Video is releasing a DVD of Hell Squad, aka Jabootu’s own Commando Girls, tomorrow. Deepdiscountdvd is selling it for $6. I wouldn’t expect a super transfer or anything, but damn, Commando Girls.

The seventh Mystery Science Theater 3000 box set will come out on April 19th, featuring The Killer Shrews, Hercules Unchained, Hercules Against the Moonmen and Prince of Space.

Retromedia, Fred Olin Ray’s outfit, had previously put out a fairly solid Larry Buchanan double bill DVD of It’s Alive and Year 2889. Well, they’re back at it with a DVD featuring The Eye Creatures and the immortal Zontar Thing from Venus. And don’t forget their previously announced Bigfoot triple bill (SASQUATCH: THE LEGEND OF BIGFOOT, SNOWBEAST and SNOW CREATURE); the Italian cheesefest The Embalmer (aka The Monster of Venice, which I guess is its DVD release title), and a highly tauted special edition of the cult favorite The Flesh Eaters. All will be out on July 19th.

Finally, Media Blasters, who recently brought out two dynamite discs for the Toho films Matango and The Mysterians, follows up sometime soon with similar efforts for Varan the Unbelievable and Dagora the Space Monster.