Cool news on Wolf Man redo front…

Aside from getting an appropriate actor to play Larry Talbot, Benicio Del Toro, the latest news on the remake of the classic Lon Chaney Jr. movie The Wolf Man has special effects maven Rick Baker, a werewolf veteran from films like An American Werewolf in London and The Howling) to do the special effects work on the remake, due next year.  In other words, the Wolf Man will be *gasp* realized through practical means rather than CGI.

What will they think of next?

  • BeckoningChasm

    I thought Rob Bottin did The Howling. Yes, I could always look it up on IMDB, but where’s the fun in that?

  • Baker really only consulted on The Howling, so yes, Bottin did all the actual effects work. Still, Baker obviously does know his stuff.

    Actually, I’d get the guy who did The Howling 2: My Sister is a Werewolf. That was dynamite stuff.