What Is This Place?

“What is this page all about?” you ask? This site is devoted to the savoring of films at the very bottom of the Cinematic Bell Curve. No, you won’t find Batman and Robin, nor Armageddon massacred within these pages. That would be Mr. Cranky’s job, and you will find many other sites in our links list which contain fine carvings of un-craftsmanlike conduct in blockbuster films.

Those films, however, escaped the Jabootu dimension by sheer virtue of their mediocrity; one side-by-side viewing of Godzilla (AKA Dean-zilla) next to, perhaps The Giant Claw, should be sufficient to illustrate the distinction we are seeking.

Which is not to say that box-office success (or near-success) necessarily disqualifies a film from participation in the Jabootu Dimension. Why, Jabootu himself is the spawn of a critically acclaimed but quite differently-clued specimen of filmmaking acumen. Seek Jabootu in these pages, and you’re sure to find him (quiet in the studio, please…). Which begs the question…

Who is Jabootu?

Ah, yes… “Who is Jabootu?”, you wish to know. Read on, fearless soul! Jabootu has come to be known as the muse of Bad Movie creativity. Without the assistance of Jabootu’s creative powers, the likes of Ed Wood, Chesty Morgan, The Amazing Criswell, and their ilk would have vanished into the anonymous mass of mediocrity, virtually unknown for their Greatness in Awfuldom as they are today. Those who dared make deals with Jabootu, however, have been immortalized for all eternity in the Dimension of Great Badness … the Jabootu Dimension!