Jabootu's Bad Movie Dimension

Monster of the Day #3100

There’s are a myriad of hidden gems on YouTube. Yesterday I came across a channel, Horrorwitz, that has posted an ongoing (?) series of 15 minutes videos documenting the history of Mexican… Read Article →

Monster of the #3099

Sometimes (a lot of the time), you just want something…goofy. And nobody does goofy horror like Mexico back in the ’60s. There’s a somewhat washed-out copy of World of the Vampires on… Read Article →

Monster of the Day #3098

Rather a change from yesterday, we have Bert I Gordon’s best movie, for what that’s worth. It’s definitely kiddie fare, but it’s a fun bit of sword and sorcery, and Gordon definitely… Read Article →

Monster of the Day #3096

“Ear…BUD! I said I wanted an Ear BUD, you moron!” Looking for a double bill partner this weekend for the just previously featured Squirm? Try William Castle’s utterly nutzoid Bug. Both are… Read Article →

Monster of the Day #3094

Another really ’70s kind of deal was the Amicus anthology films, which themselves always featured fabulous casts. Asylum is one of the lesser ones, but it’s still pretty good. If one story… Read Article →

Monster of the Day #3092

GalaxyJane mentioned she’d recently watched The Devil’s Rain, and it’s on Amazon Prime, so why not? She thought it was a bit pokey at times despite it’s short running time, but liked… Read Article →

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