Jabootu's Bad Movie Dimension

Monster of the Day #512

A holdover from last week’s Repurposed Monsters theme. Bonus: Here’s the same guy playing Professor X in that Columbo / X-Men crossover. The ’70s were a weird decade. Anyway, a more versatile… Read Article →

RIP Ernest Borgnine

Extremely sad news, as one of the very last of the greatest Hollywood character actors, Ernest Borgnine, has passed away. In this extremely long and busy career, Mr. Borgnine played it all…. Read Article →

RIP Andy Griffith

Not just Andy Taylor (in what is probably one of the five greatest sitcoms of all time) or Mattlock, although either–especially the first–would be enough. I really loved his show Salvage 1,… Read Article →

Holy Crapatoli!

Apparently my instincts were right when I dumped cable. They not only removed TCM from my current package, but now to get it you have to move up not one but two… Read Article →

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