Jabootu's Bad Movie Dimension

Monster of the Day #3313

We ended Friday night, the eve of T-Fest 18 (already covered) with another foreign vampire film. This was one of China’s uniformly marvelous hopping vampire films, Mr. Vampire 4. You just cannot… Read Article →

Monster of the Day #3312

So we started Friday morning. Sandy had bought a bunch of Tod Slaughter films, and we watched his version of Sweeny Todd. Slaughter was a stage villain who specialized in extremely creaky… Read Article →

Monster of the Day #3309

We wrapped out with our traditional (at least in the ballpark of a) T-Rex movie, with Harryhausen’s classic Valley of Gwangi. This was the last classic we hadn’t gotten around to after… Read Article →

Monster of the Day #3308

So weirdly I myself showed Conquest because it looked goofy (it was made during that period when Italian sword and sorcery films were incorporating Star Wars-y stuff, like the Wookies above, ala… Read Article →

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