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Author Topic: Hollywood Apocalypse 2015?
Minion of Jabootu
Posts: 103
Post Hollywood Apocalypse 2015?
on: August 7, 2013, 07:16

This is from Cracked so I don't know how seriously it should be taken but it's still interesting of only for the last paragraph:

"The money is just drying up, and your favorite franchises will pay the price. Oh, you may still get Pacific Rim 2 someday. It's just that the monsters might look suspiciously like actors in rubber suits."

They say that like it's a bad thing.

Minion of Jabootu
Posts: 199
Post Re: Hollywood Apocalypse 2015?
on: August 8, 2013, 09:19

Good find Eric. Not much I can add that Ken hasn't addressed in his comments about the dying Hollywood studio system. How many other industries can lose money with each product and still be considered a massive success?!?

Just seems to me that if Hollywood would turn out good movies for a change it might help at least some. For example the recent Abrams 'Trek' film - was the audience really crying out for a remake of 'The Wraith of Khan' with piles of CGI, a plot written by a imbecile, and a 14 year old 'Jim Kirk'?!?!

Thrall of Jabootu
Posts: 83
Post Re: Hollywood Apocalypse 2015?
on: August 9, 2013, 23:27

You can't just blame Hollywood. As much as we old cranks may decry it, they're just doing what wider audiances want.

Pacific Rim, an original property (if certainly inspired by previous films) made 90M in America.

Grown Ups 2, a panned sequel to a panned Adam Sandler "comedy" made 120M in America.

Grown Ups 2 also cost less than half of what Pacific Rim did (80 vs 190). If you're running a business, which are you going to go for? The 40 million profit or the 100 million hole?

Everyone likes to blame Hollywood for doing nothing but souless sequels, remakes, and reimaginings, but when they do something new, nobody bothers. Sure, they're making crap, but that's what people apparently want to see.

Initiate of Jabootu
Posts: 14
Post Re: Hollywood Apocalypse 2015?
on: August 22, 2013, 21:38

I'm not much of a Sandler fan, but I thought Grown-ups was actually decent. It wasn't a gross out comedy and it had it's moments.

Hollywood isn't going to make a lot of cheap comedies because comedies do not play well overseas. So, they are still going to stick with swinging for the fences.

ST:ID would have been better had it done three things. Simplify the plot by getting rid of the evil admiral looking for war cliche. Dump the blatant rip-off of the Spock death scene. Finally, it should have been Khan's son killed by Kirk leading to a revived Khan seeking revenge in a later film.

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