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Author Topic: Roger Ebert, R.I.P.
Thrall of Jabootu
Posts: 81
Post Roger Ebert, R.I.P.
on: April 5, 2013, 11:20

Well, we knew the end was near. And now the end has come.

Roger Ebert died yesterday from cancer. He was 70 years old.

He was a great film critic. I would read his reviews after I saw a movie to see if he had any insights that I missed. In the 80's and 90's, he was the go to person for film criticism and whether or not film was worth going to. With the invention of the Internet, his influence in this regard was diminished. But he kept on working diligently.

Last year, I read his autobiography about his life. He passionate about books. Strange that he would become a movie critic. He also had a nack for finding interesting places to hang out.

He did have his faults. The fact that sex appeal could easily sway him was a annoyance. Everyone remembers how he gave a pass to Jennifer Lopez's monologue in Gigli by saying it was well written. What he didn't mention was she was writhing around sexually in the moonlight at the time and probably wasn't listening.

But still and all, I usually agreed with his critisims of movies. If he didn't like it, chances are that I wasn't going to like it either. If he loved it, then I would probably like it. That's all critic needs to do at a minimum.

So long Roger.

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