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Author Topic: So, since Lucas no longer owns STAR WARS....
Minion of Jabootu
Posts: 147
Post So, since Lucas no longer owns STAR WARS....
on: February 25, 2013, 14:05

-Does this mean the fabled STAR WARS Christmas special will finally be released?

Minion of Jabootu
Posts: 134
Post Re: So, since Lucas no longer owns STAR WARS....
on: February 25, 2013, 17:04

Dude...I can only say...The Horror...the horror...

Oh, and it's release would bring a major upswing in the profits of head doctors everywhere.

Minion of Jabootu
Posts: 147
Post Re: So, since Lucas no longer owns STAR WARS....
on: February 25, 2013, 17:24

I didn't say I had expectations of any kind, but it's exactly the sort of curiosity item that a smart property owner would exploit. A part of me wants it only BECAUSE Lucas DOESN'T want me to have it!

Thrall of Jabootu
Posts: 83
Post Re: So, since Lucas no longer owns STAR WARS....
on: February 25, 2013, 21:54

I've seen it. For awhile there it was on Google video. Might even be on Youtube, for all I know. Regardless, Lucas was right to bury it; it's not just bad, it's downright shameful. The only good part was the Bea Arthur cantina scene, the rest was just... ugh. Like a hipster trying to be too cool for what he was doing. Just an absolute mess.

Minion of Jabootu
Posts: 199
Post Re: So, since Lucas no longer owns STAR WARS....
on: February 26, 2013, 13:25

I've only seen clips from it but I do wonder about how Lucas is ashamed of this and wanted to bury it but is proud of the pre-sequels and has released them in a zillion different editions???

I mean really WTH!?!

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