Monster of the Day #610 Updated on December 18, 2012 By Ken Begg 5 Comments Kindly Dr. Carruthers, no! Tweet Pin It Related PostsMonster of the Day #3688 (Mar 20, 2025) Not Monster of the Day #8 (Mar 18, 2025) Monster of the Day #3687 (Mar 12, 2025) Not Monster of the Day #5 (Mar 10, 2025) Not Monster of the Day #3 (Mar 6, 2025) By Ken Begg Gamera977 Glad I use Old Spice- nothing on the label about attracting killer chiroptera… Ericb Why did you post a picture of a kitchen at Arbies? bgbear_rogerh Oh. so the Obama administration disproves of water-boarding terrorists but, allows bats to be treated this way. Hypocrites! Rock Baker I can see why this is one of Bela’s most popular poverty row horror films. What’s not to like about a pillow-sized killer bat?! Flangepart Dr. Carruthers scheme to sell Bat Deodeant failed miserably, even with funding by Bruce Wayne. Ahah! Bela week it is!