Monster of the Day #602

Uhm…Michael Jackson?

  • Flangepart

    “A plague on both your houses. In fact, I’ll help…”

  • Ericb

    I saw this the first time over the weekend. Loved the art deco and the smoking hot assistant. Was she supposed to be a robot?

  • Ken_Begg

    I believe so…maybe? She returns in the sequel, which is a neat trick after the acid thing. However, she’s also played by a different actress, so you can theorize that Phibes hypnotizes young women to fill a slot as needed.

  • Gamera977

    When I first saw the second film I assumed she was a succubus Phibes summoned to do his bidding. I think I’d go with the android explanation now though since he did have a bunch of clockwork devices – maybe she was the ultimate version?

  • “I-am-al-ready-dead!” One of the more suspenseful climaxes in 70’s horror. The inspiration for SAW?

  • Please, PLEASE Hollywood! Do not remake this movie! Its perfect as it is!

  • Ericb

    I’ve read that Burton and Depp have their sights in it.

  • Ken_Begg

    Actually…that could work.

  • If I remember correctly, she was going to be revealed as the Greek goddess Athena in one of the scripts for the never-realized third movie.

  • Gamera977

    Athena? Wouldn’t one of the Furies make more sense? Odd choice.