Things aren’t looking too Rosie…

Before the venerable McCall’s Magazine, established in the 1880s, went under in 2000, they tried to save it by transmuting it into Rosie’s McCall’s (although it really became just Rosie), a hoped-for clone of the popular Oprah magazine ‘O‘. In this case, the central figure hired to be the face of that magazine was Rosie O’Donnell, who at that time had her own talk show.  The attempted revamp was a disaster, and McCall’s / Rosie quickly ceased publication altogether. 

Now Sally Koslow, a McCall’s editor before and during all this, has written a roman a clef about the situation called Little Pink Slips.  I’m sure she hopes for another Devil Wears Prada, which was also a roman a clef by a woman who worked in the magazine industry.  (O’Donnell’s behavior at the magazine was so incredibly rude and abusive–there was even accusations of physical violence–that it was considered beyond the pale even in the magazine industry, a field well-known for its petty and cruel tyrants.  O’Donnell’s behavior resulted that a slew of lawsuits and counter-suits after the magazine ceased publication.)

In terms of trying to rip-off a successful work, pretty standard stuff, then.  However, this part in the Kirkus review caught my eye:  “Magnolia [the Koslow analog] is summarily demoted to a smaller office where she is called upon to execute Bebe’s [the Rosie O’Donnell analog] vision, even it that includes an NRA-friendly cover shot that alienates the readership.”

Huh, what?  Now, O’Donnell is the sort of ‘liberal’ that even liberals are generally embarrassed by, and this isn’t exactly unknown.  And O’Donnell did alienate a hunk of the readership with her strident politics, but they of course were left-wing politics.  And to appreciate that fact, you have to take into account the fact that most women’s magazines tilt left-ward to begin with.  (On political issues, anyway, if not on ‘consumerist’ issues.)

So what’s the point of making the O’Donnell analog an apparent ‘right-winger’?  Is there even such an animal you can think of, a mainstream network talk show-type celebrity who’s conservative in the way the O’Donnell is left-wing?  Or conservative by any standard, for that matter?  And who imagines that if such a person existed, they’d get hired for a gig like that?

So what’s the motivation?  Was Koslow afraid, in fact, to offend a percieved portion of her novel’s readership (who, assuming they are made up of those who read women’s magazines, would in many cases be pretty exaggeratedly left-wing), and thus changed the crazy Rosie-analog to a right-winger, even if that doesn’t make a lick of sense?  Or could Koslow, or her editor and/or publisher, just not bear to write a book in which a ‘progressive’ person was crazy and abusive, since those are supposed to be traits only manifested by conservatives?

I don’t know, I just find the whole thing weird.   

  • mpollack

    While Rosie is left-wing in general, politics tends to be a lot more complicated in that.

    In particular, Rosie did make the occassional half-hearted “anti-gun statement,” but was rather quiet given her oversized nature. Many on both sides pointed out a possible reason: Rosie as top shill for then top-gun-seller KMart.

    [So what’s the point of making the O’Donnell analog an apparent ’right-winger’? Is there even such an animal you can think of, a mainstream network talk show-type celebrity who’s conservative in the way the O’Donnell is left-wing? Or conservative by any standard, for that matter? And who imagines that if such a person existed, they’d get hired for a gig like that?]

    I know it’s hard for people to find fault with the side to which they are alligned, but… are you kidding?

    I guess it depends on how large ro varied the audience has to be to be mainstream, although The View is kind of lacking on both. But here’s a partial list of the top of my head.

    Ann Coulter – does not have a TV show, but is a popular TV personality and talk circuit star despite being excoriated several times by fellow conservatives.

    Dinesh D’Souza – Recently excoriated by conservatives as well, saying his recent book went way too far in attacking liberals.

    Dennis Miller – got his talk show after his 9-11 conversion, shares Rosie’s love of hearing himself talk

    Sean Hannity – marginalizes, Rosie-style, all of his co-hosts so as to hear himself talk

    In fact, it’s the moderates that have trouble getting the talk shows. There are markets for ultra-liberal and ultra-conservative speakers, since they’re energetic and make you feel better. Nobody wants to hear “Bush has problems, but he’s not always wrong or always right.”

  • randomblogger

    It could always be choice C: It actually happened. After all, there’s nobody out there that enforces Policy Purity: you can be incredibly leftist, and have one issue where you’re incredibly rightist, and you can be incredibly rightist, and have one issue where you’re incredibly leftist. Maybe Rosie is just an ultra-left wing person who actually did also force through some NRA stuff on the cover?

    In other words, maybe there is no conspiracy here. Maybe things, for once, are exactly what they seem. It’s rare, sure, but it happens from time to time.

  • Oh my gosh, O’Donnell is a total anti-gun freak. (Except for her armed bodyguards, because she’s different.) She’s had numerous meltdowns on this issue. And if there’s any issue on which she is even centrist, much less conservative, I’d be greatly surprised.

    Without having read the book, I can’t say entirely that your theory isn’t valid. Perhaps the character in the book is otherwise very left-wing, as you say.

    I wouldn’t bet on it, though.

  • Tyler Reddun

    I suspect it’s because they wanted to paint the Rosie analog as some how ‘evil’ and there is nothing more evil then a Republican to them. I bet she even supports Bush.

  • randomblogger

    Ah. I was just guessing a possible cause, but I’m not versed in my Rosie O’Donnell-ness (I don’t live in the US), so I wasn’t aware of that. Never mind, then.

  • “Ann Coulter – does not have a TV show, …
    Dinesh D’Souza – Recently excoriated by …
    Dennis Miller – got his talk show after his 9-11
    Sean Hannity – marginalizes, Rosie-style,”

    Forget individually, taken as a group these people do not command the kind of audience that Rosie O’Donnel did at the time. They are similarly dwarfed by current shows like The View and, of course, Oprah.

    More to the point, none of them are “a mainstream network talk show-type”, the specific type of animal to which Ken referred. So the answer to your (presumably rhetorical) question is no, we’re not kidding.

  • Ken HPoJ

    Those are all political pundits with talk shows, not Oprah or Rosie-esque TV talk show hosts. Different animal entirely. (That’s why I speficially said ” mainstream network” talk shows, to differentiate them from pundit-driven ones.) Sally Jesse. Ricki Lake. Regis. That sort of thing.

    You must have a different defination of half-hearted than I do. Her ambush of Tom Selleck regarding guns on her talk show was a classic. And the statement “it’s not really a right” [to bear arms] strikes me as more than half-hearted (not to mention pretty ignorant). And that was in front of a national audience on The View.

  • Food

    A possible reason:

    Since Koslow knows that Rosie hates guns and gun-owners (except her bodyguards) and will recognize that Koslow is lampooning Rosie, maybe Koslow figures that implying that this fictional Rosie supports the NRA will drive Rosie nuts.

    I dunno.

  • Ken HPoJ

    Food — Ha! If that’s the reason, my hat is off to Koslow. I find the idea fanciful, but extremely funny.