Not really my day…

Sorry for the lack of posting. Sadly, I spent my post B-Fest week off sitting on my fat ass and got little done. My B-Fest Diary is especially overdue.

However…the water pipes in my trailer are frozen, and/or burst. I thought I’d stay at a friend’s house, but my car won’t start. The fact that our **high** temp today is due to be minus one degree, with wind chills in the 25-30 minus range, might have something to do with it.

Our “warm-up” is due on Wednesday or Thursday, when the temps are due to soar to around 20 degrees. Only next week (for what that forecast is worth) are we due to hit a high above freezing. Jeez, I hope my pipes aren’t broken. Like I have the money for that.

Sorry to bitch. However, I just wanted to note that I’ll have some balls in the air for the next several days, and that posting will probably remain anemic for a while. I’ll try to at least post some blog entries.

Wish me luck.

  • Chad R.

    A high of -1? What, did Al Gore come to town?

  • I hope things start looking up for you.

  • Ken HPoJ

    Ha! Yep, the Gore Effect.

    Like I said, the annoying thing is it might be a week before I know how my pipes are. Once they’re frozen, I don’t see anything changing until the weather heats up, and that’s going to be a while. Until then, I’ll just be biting my fingernails.

    For what it’s worth, I spoke with a neighbor this morning (before seeking refuge at the home of an out-of-town friend), and while their water was running, their drains were frozen. And another neighbor is without water too. So it’s definately not just me. (A fat lot of good that will do me, though, if I need to replace all my pipes.)

  • Luck.

  • Jack Spencer

    That sucks, man. I had that happen once and I wound up going to home Depot to rent a salamander to thaw the pipes out. However, I also found a dead cat under my trailer when I opened the skirting. It was not a fun day, but a few minutes of that baby cooking under there made it warmer under the trailer than it was inside it for a while and thawed the pipes but good. You might also want to invest in some heat tape to keep that from happening again.

  • Ken HPoJ

    I have heat tape, but I think it was overwhelmed by the bitter, bitter cold. Thanks for the other suggestions, though. Again, I just hope the pipes prove intact once the thaw occurs.

  • Jimmy

    That… sucks. Well, this makes you look at things in perspective. I won’t be bitching about the hot weather we’ve been having in my part of the world any time soon.