Monster of the Day #412

Boy, this Morgo guy really got around.

Sadly, though, this is my last Morgo cover. I like all of them, but the Chicken is the best, I think. Anyone can fight a giant bat or ant, but a giant chicken?

  • “Anyone can fight a giant bat or ant, but a giant chicken?”

    So you’re saying Peter Griffin and Captain Blondebeard qualify as more than “anyone”?

  • Ericb

    It’s Monsters of the Jazz Age week on Monster of the Day !(I hope you have another one to keep up the theme).

  • Flangepart

    Hey, a MONTH of old pulp covers would be good. Look at the insane material Ken can play with.
    It’s even better than a Roger Corman trailer fest.

  • Anonymous

    What, no mention or Robin-Men on the cover? Or should that be Robin-Boys?…

  • Anonymous

    Amen to that, I love these old covers.

  • Anonymous

    In a world full on Batmen who would be the hero?

  • The Rev.


  • Ericb


  • Ericb

    or maybe Manbatman

  • Anonymous

    Wow guys, this is all Really Heavy Man

  • Sandy Petersen

    a lot of people are unaware that bats are actually the larval form of the chicken. Thus, the cover here shows Morgo in an earlier stage of development, before she reached full hen-dom.

  • Ericb

    I see trails … trials …

  • Anonymous

    Sadly, I believe Morgo to be the pilot-suited dude.

  • Flangepart

    Sadly, I believe Morgo to be the pilot-suited dude.- Ken

    Da huh? Well…name must have sounded heroic back in them thar days…

  • Ericb

    His son Torgo fared even worse.

  • Rock Baker

    So, Marjo Gordner should play Morgo, what with his giant chicken combat record?

  • Rock Baker

    Ever notice how pure, unbridled imagination was never as powerful as it was between the first and second world wars? There was a lot of colorful stuff produced after the war, but nothing beats the pre-war stuff for all-out, unashamed, reach-for-the-moon imagination. In those days, ‘science’ was optional, I guess.

  • Marsden


  • Beckoning Chasm

    This doesn’t seem to depict a fight (or even the aftermath of one).  This almost looks like the bat is taking the guy somewhere nice so he can have a rest.

    “Hang in there, Morgo!  We’re almost to the ballfield, and then we can watch the Cubs!”

  • Anonymous

    “No thanks- you can just drop me here.”

    [sorry, Ken]

  • Anonymous

    “my nephew is a batboy”

  • Anonymous

    He ain’t heavy; he’s my brother.