By which I mean, of course, they sold ownership of the magazine for a dollar (and assumption of the periodical’s debt). Anyway, to save money this summer they’re printing more biweekly issues of the newsweekly–er, wait…–so because of that they have a huge backlog of TRULY AMAZING AND RELEVANT MATERIAL.
For instance, the current double issue which features a cover story by publisher Tina Brown examining “Diana at 50 If She Were Here Now.” Wow, that makes you think, doesn’t it?
I have to admit, I have long maintained a certain level of animosity towards peoples’ continued and completely unjustified interest in one of the 20th century’s great non-entities. Even aside from that, though, really, this is the sort of material Newsweek is relying on in its patently doomed attempts to stay afloat? Good grief.