Ugh. I think everyone here knows pretty much nobody wants more than I for there to be another good killer shark movie. (Which, admittedly, would make two of them.) Piranha 3D wasn’t my bag, because I’m just not the target audience for the over the top gross-out, gore ‘n’ boobs technique.
So unlike many, I was actually encouraged by Shark Night‘s reported PG13 rating. I hoped it meant the filmmakers were going to try a bit harder. But this trailer…groan. The callow, CW-esque generic leads. The patently CGI sharks. The silly pryotechnics. Worst of all, the utterly pointless and annoying “evil humans” subplot. Good grief, can’t they just make an efficient, 90 minute killer shark movie and call it a day? I guess I have my answer.
“From the Producer of Hostel” the trailer crows. Sadly, it looks like that about sums things up.