Monster of the Day #192 Updated on February 7, 2011 By Ken Begg 6 Comments “Who’s a good boy? You are! You are!” Tweet Pin It Related PostsMonster of the Day #3688 (Mar 20, 2025) Not Monster of the Day #8 (Mar 18, 2025) Monster of the Day #3687 (Mar 12, 2025) Not Monster of the Day #5 (Mar 10, 2025) Not Monster of the Day #3 (Mar 6, 2025) By Ken Begg BeckoningChasm It was odd to hear the Control Voice start talking right in the middle of that episode. roger h don’t let the Creationists see him. Tork_110 Extreme Geico the Gecko! Updated for the 90s. Rock Baker I got the feeling this episode was reworked from a script for a feature. The climax seems rushed. John M. Hanna I know there are big catfish in the Mississippi, but dang! GalaxyJane In other news, Tura Satana has passed away.