Halloween Movies at the Portage…

They usually run one bill a month, but in October they do a whole week of stuff.

I’ll definitely be there for The Car and Duel; and Prince of Darkness and The Fog.  I saw The Thing last year, so I’m not too big on that, although Army of Darkness….
Thursday no, as I’ve always disliked American Werewolf, although I’d see Beyond the Door, which I’ve never seen.   And Friday, well, that show starts before work end, and I really don’t need to see Ghost Story again.  I might be up for Horror of Dracula and Frankenstein Meets the Wolfman, but that same week the Music Box is running a Chaplin Fest, so we’ll see.

  • BeckoningChasm

    Of the ones I’ve seen, they’re all good except for American Werewolf. Be nice to go, but my money tree has lost a lot of leaves…