I have to admit, I have a taste for those big, hard cover multi-volume sets for cartoon strips. I have the ones for Calvin & Hobbes (essential), the Far Side (great), Dilbert (pretty darn cool) and all of Don Martin’s work for Mad Magazine (albeit not his paperback work). All were expensive but well worth the money, especially since the sets generally work out cheaper than picking up an entire series of paperback collections.
Someday I’ll get all those Peanuts hardcovers, too.
Now, there’s a new one, a three volume set collecting all of Gahan Wilson’s cartoons for Playboy over the years. If you’re not familiar with Wilson, he draws macabre cartoons that obviously inspired everyone from Bill Watterson to Gary Larsen to (especially) Mark Tatulli, who does the wonderful Lio cartoon strip.
The set sounds very cool indeed (almost a 1,000 pages!), and although I will delay a while because it turns out I mysteriously owe the IRS four times as much money this year despite not getting a raise, I’m sure I’ll pick this up as soon as it’s convenient.
Speaking of Wilson, though, when the hell is somebody going to issue a set like this for the great Charles Addams? It seems impossible that there hasn’t been one yet.