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  • Rock Baker

    The Birds, Larry Blamire style?

  • roger h

    hee, hee, I thought it was my home santa Cruz but, I guess it is a little up the coast in Half Moon Bay.

    Original was filmed farther up coast at Bodega Bay from. Movie/Book inspired by event in Santa Cruz.

  • I think Tommy Wiseau is closer to the mark.

  • Rock Baker

    So is this real? Looks to be the new There’s Nothing Out There.

  • Nope, it looks like the guy who made it was serious.

  • Hasimir Fenring

    Ken…I hate you. No, really, I mean it. After seeing this trailer, I had to see the movie. So instead of working on my PhD dissertation, I spent this Saturday evening watching Birdemic. And God help me, I loved every second of it, even as I realised I was wasting my life on possibly the worst film I’ve ever seen. And I’ve sat through three Uwe Boll films and two Kim Ki-duk films. I laughed a lot, but it was the laughter of a man who has been driven insane by the inexplicable horror of what he has seen. By which I mean how bad the birds’ FX shots are.

    Yes, it is worse than The Room. But only because it has bird effects that would make Burt I. Gordon give up on the whole filmmaking thing and go back to his day job. I do know one thing, though: Al Gore was right when he said we’d better stop global warming before birds come kill us all.

    He did say that, didn’t he?

  • Elizabeth

    More like Tommy L’Oiseau, amirite? Eh? Eh?

    Oh, come on, that one killed in Montreal.

  • The Rev. D.D.

    Oh. My. God.


    The “special” “effects”…good lord, it’s like “Diablo” if it’d been programmed by a monkey. They even used them for that dead hawk. They couldn’t find a stuffed one or make a prop to use for that scene!?

    The worst part is that I totally want to see this now, even though my reaction was not wild laughter, but slack-jawed, slightly horrified staring.

    I’m…I’m scared, man.

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