You’ll want to watch this…

  • BeckoningChasm

    Mr. Paul’s Fish Kicks. Holy carp, that was funny (and I could barely hear the dialog, not that it seemed to matter.)

  • Chris M

    Is it going to be in 3-D?

  • roger h

    At SyFy channel, fish eats you.

    so, after the fish leaps out of the water towards the beach and grabs portly guy, how does it get back in the water?

  • The Rev. D.D.

    That was sure convenient for the hero that the fish were in a conga line like that…

    Hero’s Death Battle Exemption away!

    Seriously, though, that was hilarious.

  • BeckoningChasm

    roger h – I think that was intended as a direct steal from “Deep Blue Sea.”

  • TV’s Grady

    Comedy gold!

  • “I think that was intended as a direct steal from “Deep Blue Sea.”

    True enough, but Roger’s point remains. The shark in DBS jumped more or less straight up, and thus fell back into the water naturally. This fish jumps out of the water entirely, it appears. (Of course, there’s also the question of where those attack fish are coming from, since it appears to be from the beach.)

  • Chris

    Wow, that’s the exact same defensive method I used against my older brother when I was 5!

  • bt

    I did some research, and at least the science the guy quoted all checks out.

    Also, if that is Tiffany, she looks to be absorbing everything right through her skin as well. I don’t think she will be making a repeat pictorial in Playboy anytime soon.

  • BeckoningChasm

    Ken, admittedly it’s been a while since watching DBS (even though I *cough* own the DVD) but I thought the attack pattern was the same. I remember thinking, “Hey, how did the shark do that? Also, how did it know,/i> to do that? Oh wait, enhanced intelligence, forgot about that.”

  • fish eye no miko

    o/~ “Everybody was kung fu fighting
    Those fish were fast as lightning” o/~

  • Pepper Cat

    That was an April Fool’s joke, right? Right? Guys? (Goes into the corner and starts crying.)

  • Terrahawk

    That was good for some laughs.

    Yeah, Tiffany has definitely…expanded a bit. But, considering she is in her late 30’s, it is not necessarily unexpected. For most people, unless you have one of those metabolisms, work out 8 hours a day, or gets lots of cosmetic surgery, you start expanding some after age 30 or so. That said, she could lay off whatever she is eating some.

  • GalaxyJane

    Officially speechless!

  • Why aren’t we watching this masterpiece RIGHT THIS MINUTE!!

  • I loved the way the fish the guy kicked away just disappeared forever. I guess CGI-ing in fish flopping around on the beach would have been too expensive.

  • The Rev. D.D.

    Don’t forget, this modern masterpiece premieres this Saturday on Siffy! Watch it with someone you love!

    Wait, no. Watch it with someone you dislike.