I hope everyone had a Happy Halloween!

Although it probably didn’t make much of a practical difference, my Internet was down this weekend (plus I was out of the house a lot).  So I’m behind on my mail and blogging and whatnot.  I’ll try to catch up today, and I can say we’ve got a Very Special Jabootu event coming up in the next few days, and another around the weekend of the 20th.

As for myself, I didn’t get to every movie I wanted to see, but any week where in a theater I can see The Birds, They Live, The Thing, King Kong vs. Godzilla and House of Dracula is a good week in my book.

  • fish eye no miko

    I did! I watched some horror films and tv shows, and… stuff. And I had some candy. I live in a guest house behind another house, so I don’t get trick-or-treaters, which is fine by me. ^_^

    OOoh… Very Special Jabootu event! coooool…

  • Dr. Whiggs

    Well aren’t you mister holidays, miko.

    Of course I vacated my apartment so I wouldn’t have to buy candy…

  • fish eye no miko

    Dr. Whiggs said: “Well aren’t you mister holidays, miko.”

    That’s “Miss Holidays”, actually. ^_^

  • I ran in a 5k race….dressed as a zombie. Ah, good times!

  • Chad R.

    I had a great Halloween. I had some good friends over and we watched some movies, 1957’s Curse of the Demon and the silent Call of Cthulhu from a few years ago. Then we played a one-shot session of the Call of Cthulhu RPG until 4 AM. It was mobsters vs. vampires in 1920’s New York. Candy was scarfed, vampires were torched, and a good time was had by all.

  • GalaxyJane

    It poured rain in Virginia, so I didn’t have nearly as many trick-or-treaters as usual, I was giving out Kit-Kats by the handsfull just to get the stuff out of the house.

    Otherwise had a great year. Had my annual bad movie/good food bash and bunch of us dressed as the Village People in honor of this year’s bad musical theme. Still managed to clear the building with “Can’t Stop the Music”. Between that and the “Star Wars Holiday Special” debacle a few years back, I think I am going to get permanently banned from picking movies at my own parties. Wimps! :)

  • fish eye no miko

    Chad R. said: “[…]and the silent Call of Cthulhu from a few years ago.”

    Good choice! That’s a great movie.

  • Yes, and made for about 50 grand (according to one of the guys that made it). Kind of makes the typical Syfy movie look even worse, doesn’t it?