Monster of the Day #3650

Hello! I hope everyone had a great Christmas.

No Watch Party next week, I’ll be catsitting at my sister’s. So…Jan 10th, I think? That will be the next one.

I didn’t run out yesterday to see Nosferatu, but the word on it is still quite encouraging. This still, obviously, is from the Herzog/Kinski version from 1979.

So much money saved on make-up!

  • Gamera977

    My favorite version of 'Twilight'.

    I'm too sexy for my fangs…
    I'm too sexy for my fangs..
    So sexy I'm in pain…

  • 🐻 bgbear_rnh

    Cat sitting so next Friday MOtD will be Mr. Tickles.

    Next Friday I may be on the road so good I won't miss a watch party.

    I am sure I missed the Herzog version. Had a friend who would say "take the rats, and go to Denmark" which I think he picked up from the film.

  • Eric Hinkle

    Weird how you never see someone using an Orlock-style vampire for one of those vampire romances, isn't it?

  • Gamera977

    Razorfist has a positive review on YouTube. And he's a grouchy curmudgeon so it must be good!